Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Miss my students

(It is written in both English and Japanese. 英語と日本語の両方に書かれています。私の日本語の翻訳であらゆる間違ったために私をお許しください...外国人から, Ruth)

The last school term has just ended.
Summer holiday has started.

Miss my students (including those naughty, lazy and talent students) so much!  I even had a dream about them last night.  @@

Nearly all my students have a caring heart.  When I had serious cough, several students were worried about my health.   Among them, Alan was concerned for my health the most.  Alan is a boy with a pair of big and beautiful eyes.  He is smart and clever but very naughty!

Jacky's handwriting is as bad as Fukuyama Masaharu (Masha).   I had to remind him beware of his handwriting nearly every lesson.   Both Jacky and Tommy are smart boys with good results in English.   Tommy can give unique comments on an issue or somebody.   His comment always suprised me.  Both Candy and CiCi are clever, helpful, hardworking little girls.   They all are my lovely students.

In the last lesson of this school term, I tried to allocate time to talk to them respectively.   I tried to guide them what they should do during the coming summer holiday.

Some should try to revise all English and Mathematics materials that they learned in this academic year.   Some can further enhance their knowledge by borrowing and reading more books or novels from the library.   Some should avoid spending most of their time on TV programs and internet.

Nearly all of their final school term results are good. 

May Jesus Christ bless their growth, study, health and their future.
Pray for them!


私の学生が本当にいなくて寂しいです(いたずらなそれらの、怠惰、そして、才能学生を含んでいて)!   昨夜、私はそれらに関する夢見さえしました。 @@


ジャッキーの筆跡は福山雅治(Masha)と同じくらい悪いです。   私は彼に思い出させなければなりませんでした: 彼の筆跡に注意してくださいほとんどあらゆるレッスン。   ジャッキーとトミーの両方が頭の良い少年です。  彼らには、良い結果が英語。   トミーは問題かだれかに関する彼のユニークなコメントを与えました。   彼のコメントはいつも私を驚かせました。  CandyとCiCiの両方が勤勉で、有能な利口な子です。   彼らは皆、私のすてきな学生です。

この学期の最後のレッスンでは、私はそれぞれ彼らと話す時間を割り当てます。   ただ、この夏期休暇の間の時間を割り当てるためにそれらを誘導します。




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