Monday, February 28, 2011

Dunlop advertisement featuring Fukuyama Masaharu (福山雅治)

Fukuyama Masaharu has played two roles in the recent Dunlop advertisement.  The current Fukuyama Masaharu talk to his ancestor (who was also played by Fukuyama Masaharu) in the same era about how a high efficiency tyre can save fuel and benefit the environment.

After wearing some special make-up, Masha really looks like an ancient man!

福山雅治は最近のダンロップ広告における2つの役割を果たしました。  福山雅治は彼の先祖と話します。  また、マーシャは彼の先祖の役割として務めます。  彼らは同じ時代で会談します。  高性能タイヤは、どう燃料を節約して、全体の環境のためになるか。


Here's the offical link of the advertisement:

Below is the clips of the advertisement:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fukuyama Masaharu We're Bros. Tour 2011 THE LIVE BANG!!

Fukuyama Masaharu has just launched his concert tour named "Fukuyama Masaharu We're Bros. Tour 2011   THE LIVE BANG!!"  in Japan on Feb. 24.  

The first stop is Osaka (大阪).  There are 58 shows in total at 18 cities spreading in Japan.   The last stop of the tour will be at Tokyo.  It will be held on August 7.

For Feb 24 Osaka show, Doraemon and Kaoru Shizuka, who appeared as special guest,  joined Fukuyama Masaharu during the encore part to sing Kokoro Colour together (pls. scroll down for this song).   

Below is the link of the news with picture from a local newspaper :

Good luck all the ways during the tour, Masha! 

Again here is the PV of 心color ~a song for the wonderful year ~ = Kokoro Colour~a song for the wonderful year ~ .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rest day for myself ...

I have granted myself to take a rest this Sunday...  Having suffer from illness for nearly 3 weeks and prepare for the examination for nearly a month.  Without sufficient rest, I am totally exhausted! >x< "  The cough is still serious and pharynx has just recovered from pain.   

Luckily, my students are all in good condition.   They are very healthy after the term break.  Only one or two are out of control in the lessons.
I have not attended worship for 3 consecutive weeks.  Miss it!

Everything please back to normal soon. 

Fukuyama Masaharu appeared in "Doraemon"

Recently, he has also dub for a role named “Fukuyama Masaaki (福山雅秋)” in the famed Japanese cartoon “Doraemon”.   “Fukuyama Masaaki” is actually an imitating role of the real “Fukuyama Masaharu (福山雅治)”.  What an interesting crossover cooperation of Masaharu(雅治) and Masaaki(雅秋)! 

Here is the website of "Fukuyama Masaaki" in "Doraemon":
(take a look of this website, one will keep on laughing!)

My conclusion:Fukuyama Masaharu's drawing of Doraemon is a little bit difference from the real Doraemon...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Introduction of Fukuyama Masaharu (福山雅治)

<all related info. and news about Fukuyama Masaharu will also be posted in a seperate "page" / "section" in my blog. >

Fukuyama Masaharu ( (Masha), (福山雅治)) is a talented and versatile singer-songwriter.  He is one of my favorite musicians.  He is also a guitarist, album producer, disc jockey* of two weekly radio shows in Japan, actor** and a photographer.  Since his debut, he has actively participated and enjoyed great popularity in the Japanese music and entertainment industry for more than 20 years.  He is one of the top male artists in Japan (i.e. Nippon).

福山雅治は有能で多能なシンガーソングライターです。  彼は私の好きなミュージシャンのひとりです。  彼は、ギタリストとも、アルバムプロデューサーと、ディスクジョッキーと*、俳優**と写真家です。  20年間以上、彼のデビュー以来、彼は、邦楽とエンターテインメント産業において活発に参加して、人気がありました。  彼は日本の最高男性の芸術家のひとりです。

My FIRST ENCOUNTER with Masha’s acting…
Masha played a role named “柏木雅也and featuring in 1993 drama series named “ひとつ屋根の下 I & II i.e. Under the same roof I & II” in English.   

I watched this series when I was so young…  So my image is vague.  But I really love this drama and would chase to watch every episode.  My first impression of Masha:  He is handsome and fresh with attractive smile.

とても若かったときに、私は、このドラマを見ました。  私の印象はあいまいです。  しかし、私は、本当にこのドラマを愛して、あらゆるエピソードを腕時計まで追いかけるでしょう。  私のマーシャの第一印象:  彼は魅力的な微笑をもっている良くて素敵な男性です。

Below is its related website with the drama’s opening clip:

My SECOND ENCOUNTER with Masha’s acting…
Several years ago when I read my favorite local newspaper, there’s nearly a whole page of introducing this Japanese drama series ~ Galieo.  Masha would play the leading role in Galieo.  I was attracted to watch Galieo by this familiar face, name and the professor role he played … after missing nearly 17 years of his acting…

私が数年前に地方紙を読んだとき、全体のページ記事は、この日本の連続ドラマを紹介しました。 ~ ガリレオ~。 福山雅治主役を演じるでしょう。  この身近な表面と名前で、私は、このドラマを見るために引き付けられました… after missing nearly 17 years of his acting…

My FIRST ENCOUNTER with Masha’s music…
Several years ago ~
After watching Galieo, I accidentally read an article that was about his music.  The article stated that his music was so popular among all age groups’ in Japan since his first debut (i.e. after more than 18 years in music industry!). 

Many Japanese respect this superstar because of his wisdom of life and career.  He showed great wisdom in what he said and did. 

を見た後に~ガリレオ,私は、彼の音楽に関するものであった記事を読みます。  それは「20年間以上、彼の音楽はすべての日本の年齢層においてとても人気があったこと」に関するものでした! 

His first release single: Tsuioku No Ame No Naka 追憶の雨の中.  Here’s the link:

Hence, I started to search his music to listen to in the internet.  Wow… I am surprised by his music talent and attracted by his thick and deep voice.  The first song that I love is Sakura Zaka.  Then, Squall, Milk Tea, Niji, Red x Blue, Shonen … 
I used to uninterest Japanese culture, he actually conquered me just by his music… 
So I would like to write something about him and introduce this versatile, brilliant, and talented musician to others.

したがって、私は、聞くために彼の音楽を捜し始めました。  ワオ… 私は彼の音楽才能で驚いています。彼の厚くて深い声は私を引き付けました。  私がとても好きである最初の歌は、Sakura Zaka。 当時の Squall、Milk Tea、Niji、Red x Blue、Shonen…

私は日本文化への無関心に使用しました。 彼の音楽は私を征服しました…
それで、彼に関して何かを書きたいと思います。  そのうえ、この多能で、輝かしくて、有能なミュージシャンをあなたに紹介します。

His official website in English:
* Masha hosts two radio shows which targets different age groups’ listeners and his fans.  Below are the related websites of two respective radio shows:

** Masha has just played the leading role in last year drama named “Ryomaden” which was broadcasted for a whole year (i.e. 2010) in Japan.  Ryomaden is now broadcasting in many Asian countries. Below are the related website & his photo as Ryoma in Ryomaden:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to Fukuyama Masaharu

Tomorrow is the birthday of Fukuyama Masaharu.  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Masha.  Best wishes to you!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Touched by the words of my students

It is the end of first school semester and the start of another semester...  The first semester is an unforgettable experience to me...  Remember those naughty students!

My students kept on asking me whether I will be their teacher in the next semester.   They insisted that  change of teacher was unnecessary.   Then I asked them : "Why?"   Some replied me : "I love the sweets and snacks that you reward us for our good behaviour & academic results!"  (So honest the kiddies are!)   All of them replied me : "We love your teaching method and want you to be our teacher again in the next semester."  (Again the kiddies are so honest!) 

I am glad to accept their praise.   I am also delighted to see their significiant improvement in English and Mathematics, especially English.